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Education and Training


Dr. Soule brings a high level of engagement, preparedness and interdisciplinary knowledge to the classroom or other learning setting. She draws on knowledge of a range of academic and practitioner-oriented literatures -- information technology, data and analytics, leadership, teamwork, organizational learning, change and innovation management -- to approach topics and course development from an interdisciplinary perspective. 


She has taught and mentored many different types of students including undergraduates, graduates, international students, business practitioners and executives, as well as English-language learners, middle-schoolers and non-traditional students with limited formal education.  


Dr. Soule has worked with Emeritus Institute of Management, the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University, the Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and the International Business School of Brandeis University. Academic areas of expertise include management information systems, digital transformation, business analytics, and international business.

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